Langston, AL Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Langston, Alabama

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Langston, AL. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Langston, AL. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Langston, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Langston, AL. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Langston. The distances from Langston are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Langston, AL statistics

How does income and housing costs in Langston compare with Alabama income averages.

State of Alabama Median Income $68,200
State of Alabama Median Metropolitan Income $59,900
State of Alabama Median Non-Metropolitan Income $45,700

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Langston, AL

Low Income Housing Near Langston

Due to the low number of listings in Langston, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Suncrest Apartments Grant

Suncrest Apartments Grant

101 Suncrest Rd Grant, AL - 35747

2 of 10
Scottsboro Villas Scottsboro

Scottsboro Villas Scottsboro

996 Bob Jones Rd Scottsboro, AL - 35769

3 of 10
Edgewater Apartments

Edgewater Apartments

168 Sarah Betty La Scottsboro, AL - 35769

Income limited elderly complex. Section 8 housing voucher accepted. For more information contact us. ...

4 of 10
Scottsboro Housing Authority

Scottsboro Housing Authority

399 Woods Cove Roa Scottsboro, AL - 35768

Scottsboro Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of Low Rent Public Housing Apartments and the Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8. These programs are income based and the eligibility requirements are set by HUD. There may be a waiting l ...

5 of 10
Park Village Apartments Scottsboro

Park Village Apartments Scottsboro

74 Sarah Betty Ln Scottsboro, AL - 35769

6 of 10
Scottsboro Group Home

Scottsboro Group Home

302 South Houston Scottsboro, AL - 35768

1 bdrm
7 of 10
Austin Springs Apartments Scottsboro

Austin Springs Apartments Scottsboro

716 Windsor Dr Scottsboro, AL - 35769

8 of 10
Sunset Square Apartments, Phase I Scottsboro

Sunset Square Apartments, Phase I Scottsboro

410 W Cloverdale R Scottsboro, AL - 35768

9 of 10
Woodville Village

Woodville Village

151 County Rd 63 Woodville, AL - 35776

10 of 10
Sherwood Knoll Rainsville

Sherwood Knoll Rainsville

175 Cir Dr Rainsville, AL - 35986

11 of 10
Scottsboro East

Scottsboro East

86 Wall Street Scottsboro, AL - 35768

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
12 of 10
Crawford Park Scottsboro

Crawford Park Scottsboro

724 Snodgrass Rd Scottsboro, AL - 35769

13 of 10
Guntersville Alabama Housing Authority

Guntersville Alabama Housing Authority

1205 Wyeth Drive Guntersville, AL - 35976

The Guntersville Housing Authority has been providing affordable housing since 1960. It consists of 350 units of public housing and 174 privately owned apartments and houses called Section 8. The housing authority provides housing for over 1,000 low and very low income families in our community. ...

14 of 10
Rainsville City Housing Authority

Rainsville City Housing Authority

144 White Street N Rainsville, AL - 35986

Rainsville City Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of Low Rent Public Housing Apartments. These rentals are income based and the eligibility requirements are set by HUD. There may be a waiting list for these apartments. If you are in need of ...

15 of 10
Raintree Apartments LTD

Raintree Apartments LTD

21 Harrison St Rainsville, AL - 35986

Income Limits in Langston, Alabama. Marshall County, AL Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Marshall County
Median Income $68,200
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $23,900 $14,315
2 $27,300 $16,360
3 $30,700 $18,405
4 $34,100 $20,450
5 $36,850 $22,086

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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