Arroyo Grande, CA Low Income Housing

6 low income housing apartment complexes in Arroyo Grande, California.

Apartments Listed:

  1. Updated HUD listings.
  2. Income (based) restricted housing tax credit apartments.
  3. Section 8 apartments.
  4. Arroyo Grande, CA Housing Authority.
  5. Public Housing.
  6. Non profit senior and family low income apartments.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Arroyo Grande, CA statistics

How does income and housing costs in Arroyo Grande compare with California income averages.

Average affordable monthly apartment cost in Arroyo Grande $693.00
State of California Median Income $125,600
State of California Median Metropolitan Income $73,600
State of California Median Non-Metropolitan Income $59,900

Arroyo Grande, CA Low Income Housing: 6 Active Listings

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Parkview Manor Senior Apartments 62+

Parkview Manor Senior Apartments 62+

365 S Elm St And Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

Section 8 apartments. Senior apartments 62+ Total Apartment Units: 61 1 bedroom apartments only. Type of Listing: Subsidized, No HUD Financing ...

1 bdrm Section 8
HUD Housing
Senior Housing
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Courtland Street Apartments

Courtland Street Apartments

150 S Courtland St Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

Multi-family apartments with 36 apartments, Accept Section 8. This property also has 15 units that receive project based assistance through the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO). Interested individuals must contact HASLO to be placed on the waiting list for one of these units. 4 on ...

Section 8
Housing Authority
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Cortina D' Arroyo Arroyo Grande Senior Apartments 62+

Cortina D' Arroyo Arroyo Grande Senior Apartments 62+

241 N Ctland St Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

Total Apartment Units: 108 Total Apartment Low Income Apartments: 108 1 Bedroom apartments 86 2 Bedroom apartments 22 Years In Service Since: 2006 Senior Apartments: YES Income Restrictions Housing Tax Credit Program This affordable housing program is for individuals and families with moderate inco ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
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Juniper Street Apartments

Juniper Street Apartments

119 Juniper Street Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

14 permanently affordable rentals with onsite recreational facilities for lower income families. Educational and youth enrichment programs are available for residents. The community building offers a community kitchen. Income Restrictions Housing Tax Credit Program This affordable housing progra ...

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$500.00 Income Based $500.00 per month $725.00 Housing Choice Voucher
Oak Forest Apartments

Oak Forest Apartments

163 S Elm St Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

Total Apartment Units: 20 Total Apartment Low Income Apartments: 20 Years In Service Since: 1997 Family Apartments: YES Income Restrictions Housing Tax Credit Program This affordable housing program is for individuals and families with moderate incomes allowing below market rents for those who qual ...

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$200.00 per year $300.00 per month $100.00
Cawelti Court Senior Apartments 62+

Cawelti Court Senior Apartments 62+

351 S Elm St Arroyo Grande, CA - 93420

Senior Apartments 62+ Total Apartment Units: 28 Total Apartment Low Income Apartments: 28 Years In Service Since: 1996 Senior Apartments: YES Income Restrictions Housing Tax Credit Program This affordable housing program is for individuals and families with moderate incomes allowing below market r ...

Senior Housing
Income Limits in Arroyo Grande, California. San Luis Obispo County, CA Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area San Luis Obispo County
Median Income $125,600
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $44,600 $26,740
2 $50,950 $30,560
3 $57,300 $34,380
4 $63,650 $38,200
5 $68,750 $41,256

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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