Canon, GA Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Canon, Georgia

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Canon, GA. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Canon, GA. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Canon, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Canon, GA. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Canon. The distances from Canon are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Canon, GA statistics

How does income and housing costs in Canon compare with Georgia income averages.

State of Georgia Median Income $82,000
State of Georgia Median Metropolitan Income $64,200
State of Georgia Median Non-Metropolitan Income $46,500

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Canon, GA

Low Income Housing Near Canon

Due to the low number of listings in Canon, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Cobb Center Inc

Cobb Center Inc

234 Turner St And Royston, GA - 30662

1 bdrm Senior Housing
2 of 10
Crestview Manor - GA

Crestview Manor - GA

401 Dovetown Road Royston, GA - 30662

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
3 of 10
Heather Highlands Low Income Family Apartment

Heather Highlands Low Income Family Apartment

10 Ed Smith Way Royston, GA - 30662

Income Restricted / Low-Income / Affordable Housing One-, two- and three-bedroom Low Income Units: 40 Amenities: Pre-wired for cable Central heat/air Washer/dryer hookups Range Disposal Dishwasher Microwave Refrigerator Private patio or balcony Exercise room and activ ...

4 of 10
Ridgewood Hills Townhouse Apartments Ltd

Ridgewood Hills Townhouse Apartments Ltd

208 Poole St Lavonia, GA - 30553

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
5 of 10
Lavonia GA Housing Authority

Lavonia GA Housing Authority

13032 Jones Street Lavonia, GA - 30553

To apply, please  contact the main office at 706-356-8224, or visit the office between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM,  Monday through Friday, you can only apply over the phone or in person. Your call will be answered by a staff member. If unable to answer your call, the answering s ...

6 of 10
Ridgewood Hills Townhouse Apts

Ridgewood Hills Townhouse Apts

208 Poole St Lavonia, GA - 30553

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
7 of 10
Hartwell Housing Authority

Hartwell Housing Authority

116 W Franklin Pla Hartwell, GA - 30643

Hartwell Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of Low Rent Public Housing. This program is income based and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be a waiting list for these rentals and at times the lists may close to new applica ...

8 of 10
Bowman Village

Bowman Village

396 N. Broad Stree Bowman, GA - 30624

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
9 of 10
Imperial Place

Imperial Place

130 Ellen Court Toccoa, GA - 30577

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
10 of 10
Fern Point Apartments

Fern Point Apartments

280 Fern Point Dri Toccoa, GA - 30577

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
11 of 10
Northeast Ga Housing Authority

Northeast Ga Housing Authority

437 S Pond St Toccoa, GA - 30577

The Northeast Georgia Housing Authority serves the counties of Bank, Habersham, Stephens, and White. ...

12 of 10
Queen Street Apartments

Queen Street Apartments

605 South Pond Str Toccoa, GA - 30577

1 bdrm
13 of 10
Toccoa Pines

Toccoa Pines

1 Mulkey Rd And Toccoa, GA - 30577

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
14 of 10
Toccoa Pines Apartments

Toccoa Pines Apartments

78 Prather Park C Toccoa, GA - 30577

Townhouse style. Amenities include; community garden, laundry & playground. Conveniently located near churches and restaurants.                  Amenities:   Air Conditioning,   Yard,   Handicap Access Units Ava ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Income Restricted
15 of 10
Mason Manor Low Income for senior adults age 55 and over

Mason Manor Low Income for senior adults age 55 and over

300 Mason Manor Pl Commerce, GA - 30529

Income Restricted / Low-Income / Affordable Housing One- or two-bedroom Low Income Units: 48 Amenities: Kitchen Fitness room Library Outdoor picnic area Grill Gazebo Central heat & air Washer/dryer connections Private patio or balcony Range Dishwasher Microwave Dis ...

Income Limits in Canon, Georgia. Hart County, GA Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Hart County
Median Income $82,000
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $25,900 $15,505
2 $29,550 $17,720
3 $33,250 $19,935
4 $36,950 $22,150
5 $39,900 $23,922

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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