Osceola, IN Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Osceola, Indiana

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Osceola, IN. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Osceola, IN. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Osceola, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Osceola, IN. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Osceola. The distances from Osceola are displayed next to each listing.

Rental Assistance Programs Looking for government and non-profit programs to assist you with paying for your rent?
Check our sister website
Rental Assistance Programs at RentAssistance.us

Low Income/Affordable Housing in Osceola, IN statistics

How does income and housing costs in Osceola compare with Indiana income averages.

State of Indiana Median Income $62,700
State of Indiana Median Metropolitan Income $64,300
State of Indiana Median Non-Metropolitan Income $57,300

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Osceola, IN

Low Income Housing Near Osceola

Due to the low number of listings in Osceola, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Eastgate Apartments

Eastgate Apartments

900 Roosevelt Dr Mishawaka, IN - 46544

Total Apartment Units: 96 Type of Listing: Subsidized, Section 8, HUD. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
2 of 10
Lakeside Apartments

Lakeside Apartments

900 Roosevelt Dr Mishawaka, IN - 46544

Total Apartment Units: 48 Type of Listing: Insured-Subsidized, Section 8, HUD ...

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
3 of 10
The Overlook Apartments

The Overlook Apartments

58720 Vista Blvd Elkhart, IN - 46517

4 of 10
Parkview Terrace

Parkview Terrace

511 E 12th St Mishawaka, IN - 46544

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
5 of 10
Linden House Mishawaka

Linden House Mishawaka

715 E. Fulmer Road Mishawaka, IN - 46544

1 bdrm Senior Housing
6 of 10
Town And Country Apartments

Town And Country Apartments

1221 Georgia Blvd Elkhart, IN - 46514

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
7 of 10
Oaklawn Apartments

Oaklawn Apartments

2518 Oakland Ave Elkhart, IN - 46517

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
8 of 10
Stratford Commons

Stratford Commons

2601 Oakland Ave Elkhart, IN - 46517

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
9 of 10
Carriage House Mishawaka Ii

Carriage House Mishawaka Ii

116 Charleston Dr Mishawaka, IN - 46545

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
10 of 10
Carriage House Mishawaka I

Carriage House Mishawaka I

220 Portsmouth Cou Mishawaka, IN - 46545

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
11 of 10
100 Center Hi-rise

100 Center Hi-rise

100 N. Center St Mishawaka, IN - 46544

1 bdrm Senior Housing
12 of 10
River Run Apartments

River Run Apartments

740 Prairie St Elkhart, IN - 46516

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
13 of 10
Oakland Estates Apartments

Oakland Estates Apartments

500 S. Main Street Elkhart, IN - 46515

1 bdrm
14 of 10
Carriage House

Carriage House

1200 Burr Oak Cour Elkhart, IN - 46517

Carriage House offers low income one, two and three bedroom apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
15 of 10
Briarwood Village

Briarwood Village

3406-16 Pleasant P Elkhart, IN - 46517

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
Income Limits in Osceola, Indiana. St Joseph County, IN Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area St Joseph County
Median Income $62,700

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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