Bel Alton, MD Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Bel Alton, Maryland

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Bel Alton, MD. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Bel Alton, MD. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Bel Alton, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Bel Alton, MD. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Bel Alton. The distances from Bel Alton are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Bel Alton, MD statistics

How does income and housing costs in Bel Alton compare with Maryland income averages.

State of Maryland Median Income $154,700
State of Maryland Median Metropolitan Income $93,500
State of Maryland Median Non-Metropolitan Income $63,000

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Bel Alton, MD

Low Income Housing Near Bel Alton

Due to the low number of listings in Bel Alton, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Laplata Grande Garden I Affordable Apartments

Laplata Grande Garden I Affordable Apartments

610 Zekiah Run Rd. Laplata, MD - 20646

2 bdrm
2 of 10
La Plata Manor Senior Apartments

La Plata Manor Senior Apartments

1 Hickory Ln La Plata, MD - 20646

Office hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Senior CommunityAges 62 and over. Income limits apply. Welcome home to La Plata Manor Apartments, located in La Plata, Maryland, offering beautiful newly renovated apartments for seniors 62+ in Charles County where you can enjoy retirement livin ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
3 of 10
Laplata Grande Garden

Laplata Grande Garden

656 Piscataway Cou La Plata, MD - 20646

2 bdrm
4 of 10
Charles County Commissioners HCV - Section 8

Charles County Commissioners HCV - Section 8

8190 Port Tobacco Port Tobacco, MD - 20677

Charles County Commissioners provide housing assistance to low income residents through the management of the areas Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8. This program is income based and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be waiting lists for these vouchers and at times the ...

5 of 10
Laplata Grande Garden II Affordable Apartments

Laplata Grande Garden II Affordable Apartments

613 Popes Creek Ct La Plata, MD - 20646

Section 8 approved units:  8 Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so you can contact them directly at the number provided to see if you can apply and qualify to live here. If you find this listing is no longer low income, or the phone number is incorrect, plea ...

6 of 10
Palmer Apartments

Palmer Apartments

3002-a Through 302 Saint Charles, MD - 20602

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
7 of 10
Smallwood Gardens Apartments

Smallwood Gardens Apartments

222 Smallwood Vill Waldorf, MD - 20602

Total Apartment Units: 208 Type of Listing: Subsidized ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
8 of 10
Huntington Apartments

Huntington Apartments

3000 Gallery Pl Waldorf, MD - 20602

Total Apartment Units: 204 Section 8 approved. 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments. Type of Listing: Insured-Subsidized ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
9 of 10
Headen House Apartments

Headen House Apartments

3034 October Pl Saint Charles, MD - 20602

136 unit family living development HUD project-based Section 8 The property was originally built in 1980, broadly renovated in 2000 offering two and three bedroom units. All units are located in a two story buildings. Common amenities are balcony/patio, A/C, refrigerators/ranges, in unit washers ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
10 of 10
Victory  Brookside Apartments for Seniors

Victory Brookside Apartments for Seniors

2008 Wingate Court Waldorf, MD - 20602

Victory Brookside provides affordable living,  Each apartment home accommodates four people and is economically created with a furnished common area, including a kitchen, living room, dining room and fenced garden patio. The kitchen features a double oven, an oversized frost-free refrigerator, ...

11 of 10
Victory  Lakeside Senior Apartments

Victory Lakeside Senior Apartments

2005 St. Thomas Dr Waldorf, MD - 20602

Victory Lakeside is a prestigious community specifically designed to meet the needs of senior citizens, while providing affordable living in a beautiful setting. This elegant retirement rental community is comprised of 54 one bedroom apartments, each with a luxurious bay window, ceiling fan, wall-t ...

Senior Housing
12 of 10
Birchwood at Waldorf

Birchwood at Waldorf

3605 Moses Way Waldorf, MD - 20602

96 unit affordable senior (55+) rental community. The development includes 96 units with 54 one bedroom and 42 two bedroom apartments. The apartments feature spacious floorplans, modern kitchens, central air, and large closets. The community offers a lounge, meeting and activity space, laundry fa ...

13 of 10
Melwood Charles Housing Affordable Apartments

Melwood Charles Housing Affordable Apartments

3614 Mountain Ash Waldorf, MD - 20602

Section 8 approved units: 15 The fair market rate for 2 bedroom apartments in this area is: $1,513 Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so you can contact them directly at the number provided to see if you can apply and qualify to live here. If you find this listin ...

14 of 10
Southern Maryland Tri-county Community Action

Southern Maryland Tri-county Community Action

8383 Old Leonardto Hughesville, MD - 20637

This is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency. Contact them for assistance for the following: Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling Pre-purchase Counseling Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops Rental Housing Counseling Languages Spoken at Housing Agency: English Spanish ...

15 of 10
HOPE Melwood Mudd Housing

HOPE Melwood Mudd Housing

4008 Brewster Lane Waldorf, MD - 20601

Special Needs low income apartments. Total Apartment Units: 6 Type of Listing: 202/811 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program Occupancy in Section 202 housing is open to any very low-income household comprised of at least one person who is at least 62 years old at the time of initi ...

3 bdrm
Income Limits in Bel Alton, Maryland. Charles County, MD Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Charles County
Median Income $154,700
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $54,150 $32,480
2 $61,900 $37,120
3 $69,650 $41,760
4 $77,350 $46,400
5 $83,550 $50,112

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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