Arcola, MS Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Arcola, Mississippi

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Arcola, MS. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Arcola, MS. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Arcola, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Arcola, MS. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Arcola. The distances from Arcola are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Arcola, MS statistics

How does income and housing costs in Arcola compare with Mississippi income averages.

State of Mississippi Median Income $52,600
State of Mississippi Median Metropolitan Income $57,900
State of Mississippi Median Non-Metropolitan Income $45,600

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Arcola, MS

Low Income Housing Near Arcola

Due to the low number of listings in Arcola, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Community Circle Apartments

Community Circle Apartments

801 Rosemwald St Hollandale, MS - 38748

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm Senior Housing
2 of 10
South Delta Regional Housing Authority

South Delta Regional Housing Authority

202 Weston Avenue Leland, MS - 38756

South Delta Regional Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of the areas Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8. This program is income based and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be waiting lists for these vouchers and at ...

3 of 10
Deer Creek Apartments

Deer Creek Apartments

128- Stalling S St Leland, MS - 38756

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
4 of 10
George E Lewis Estates

George E Lewis Estates

2264 Etta Lane Greenville, MS - 38703

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
5 of 10
Metcalfe Gardens Apartments

Metcalfe Gardens Apartments

102 Moore Drive Metcalfe, MS - 38760

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
6 of 10
Robertson Residential Center

Robertson Residential Center

553 South Broadway Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm
7 of 10
Northland Village Apartments

Northland Village Apartments

633 Lacey St Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
8 of 10
Magnolia Terrace

Magnolia Terrace

840 N Theobald St Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm Senior Housing
9 of 10
Delta Towers

Delta Towers

638 Main St Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
10 of 10
Delta Terrace Apartments

Delta Terrace Apartments

810 S Theobold St Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
11 of 10
Broadway Estates

Broadway Estates

615 Deaton Greenville, MS - 38701

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
12 of 10
Bayou Acres

Bayou Acres

100 Hollandedrive Metcalfe, MS - 38760

1 bdrm Senior Housing
13 of 10
Inverness Homes

Inverness Homes

813 West Grand Ave Inverness, MS - 38753

1 bdrm
14 of 10
Matthews Retirement Cntr

Matthews Retirement Cntr

702 Kinlock Rd Indianola, MS - 38751

1 bdrm Senior Housing
15 of 10
Canterbury Apartments - MS

Canterbury Apartments - MS

810 Airport Road Indianola, MS - 38751

Income Limits in Arcola, Mississippi. Washington County, MS Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Washington County
Median Income $52,600
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $22,500 $13,475
2 $25,700 $15,400
3 $28,900 $17,325
4 $32,100 $19,250
5 $34,700 $20,790

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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