Sunapee, NH Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Sunapee, New Hampshire

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Sunapee, NH. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Sunapee, NH. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Sunapee, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Sunapee, NH. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Sunapee. The distances from Sunapee are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Sunapee, NH statistics

How does income and housing costs in Sunapee compare with New Hampshire income averages.

State of New Hampshire Median Income $83,100
State of New Hampshire Median Metropolitan Income $90,300
State of New Hampshire Median Non-Metropolitan Income $73,000

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Sunapee, NH

Low Income Housing Near Sunapee

Due to the low number of listings in Sunapee, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Newport Village Apartments

Newport Village Apartments

33 Whipple Rd And Newport, NH - 03773

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
2 of 10
Newport Village

Newport Village

33 Whipple Road Newport, NH - 03773

All units are 30% of adjusted income. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, as well as handicap accessible units. Service animals are welcome. Applicants must be 18 years of age. Office Hours: Monday through Friday 10 am to 3 pm. Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so ...

3 of 10
Sugar River Apartments

Sugar River Apartments

18 Laurel St Newport, NH - 03773

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
4 of 10
Newport House

Newport House

17 Pearl St And Newport, NH - 03773

1 bdrm Senior Housing
5 of 10
Meadow Road Senior Housing

Meadow Road Senior Housing

2 Meadow Rd Newport, NH - 03773

Located within walking distance to downtown Newport, Meadow Road Senior Housing consists of 25 one-bedroom apartments for seniors age 62 and older. Amenities include an elevator, on-site laundry room, community room, off-street parking, and mail delivery. All apartments are Section 202 subsidized ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
6 of 10
Maple Manor

Maple Manor

44 Maple St And Newport, NH - 03773

1 bdrm Senior Housing
7 of 10
Hillside Court

Hillside Court

17 Lincoln Heights Claremont, NH - 03743

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
8 of 10
Claremont Housing Authority

Claremont Housing Authority

243 Broad Street Claremont, NH - 03743

Claremont Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of programs such as Low Rent Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8. These programs are income based and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be waiting ...

9 of 10
Connecticut Valley House Affordable Apartment

Connecticut Valley House Affordable Apartment

7 Trinity Street Claremont, NH - 03743

Section 8 approved units:  8 The fair market rate for 2 bedroom apartments in this area is: $827 Call (603) 352-7512 for info. Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so you can contact them directly at the number provided to see if you can apply and qualify ...

10 of 10
Sugar River Mills Housing

Sugar River Mills Housing

7 Heritage Dr And Claremont, NH - 03743

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Senior Housing
11 of 10
Claremont Manor

Claremont Manor

2 Manor Dr And Claremont, NH - 03743

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
12 of 10
Earl Bourdon-senior Congress Elderly / Disabled Housing Community

Earl Bourdon-senior Congress Elderly / Disabled Housing Community

67 Maple Ave Claremont, NH - 03743

Subsidized elderly / disabled housing community. Earl M. Bourdon Center is a 80 units Elderly low income housing apartment subsidized by the federal governments HUD (Housing and Urban Development Division). Community/Apartments Amenities and Services: Community Room, Dining Room Onsite laundry f ...

13 of 10
Hillside Terrace

Hillside Terrace

2 Hillside Terrace Claremont, NH - 03743

1 bdrm Senior Housing
14 of 10
North Ridge

North Ridge

26 North Rd And Warner, NH - 03278

1 bdrm Senior Housing
15 of 10
Olde Windsor Village

Olde Windsor Village

65 State St Windsor, VT - 05089

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
Income Limits in Sunapee, New Hampshire. Sullivan County, NH Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Sullivan County
Median Income $83,100

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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