Preston Hollow, NY Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Preston Hollow, New York

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Preston Hollow, NY. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Preston Hollow, NY. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Preston Hollow, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Preston Hollow, NY. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Preston Hollow. The distances from Preston Hollow are displayed next to each listing.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Preston Hollow, NY statistics

How does income and housing costs in Preston Hollow compare with New York income averages.

State of New York Median Income $117,800
State of New York Median Metropolitan Income $74,400
State of New York Median Non-Metropolitan Income $62,500

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Preston Hollow, NY

Low Income Housing Near Preston Hollow

Due to the low number of listings in Preston Hollow, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Windham Willows

Windham Willows

Mitchell Hollow Rd Windham, NY - 12496

1 bdrm
2 of 10
Driftwood Apartments

Driftwood Apartments

120 Locust Lane Schoharie, NY - 12157

The property includes basic cable, trash pickup, access to coin operated laundry facilities, and on-property maintenance. The two-bedroom units include a living room, kitchen, stove, refrigerator, bathroom, and two spacious bedrooms. These exclusive units have back patios or wooden decks. The one-b ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
3 of 10
Mountainview Apartments.

Mountainview Apartments.

Maple Ave Hunter, NY - 12442

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
4 of 10
Hemlock Nob Estates

Hemlock Nob Estates

6172 Main Street Tannersville, NY - 12485

1 bdrm
5 of 10
Western Catskills Community Revitalization Council, Inc

Western Catskills Community Revitalization Council, Inc

76 Main Street Stamford, NY - 12167

This is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency. Contact them for assistance for the following: Financial Management Budget Counseling Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling Non-Delinquency Post Purchase Workshops for Homeowners Pre-pur ...

6 of 10
Dean's Landing Stamford

Dean's Landing Stamford

4 Graham Dr Stamford, NY - 12167

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
7 of 10
Hammerstone Apartments

Hammerstone Apartments

108 Mohawk Dr. Sui Cobleskill, NY - 12043

1 bdrm Senior Housing
8 of 10
Albany County Rural Housing Alliance, Inc.

Albany County Rural Housing Alliance, Inc.

24 Martin Road Voorheesville, NY -

This is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency. Contact them for assistance for the following: Fair Housing Pre-Purchase Education Workshops Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling Non-Delinquency Post Purchase Workshops for Homeowners ...

9 of 10
Brandle Woods Altamont

Brandle Woods Altamont

6 Van Evera Dr Altamont, NY - 12009

1 bdrm
10 of 10
Catskill Mountain Housing Development Corp.

Catskill Mountain Housing Development Corp.

PO Box 473 Catskill, NY - 12414

Serve the low-income residents of Greene county, NY. Greene is a rural county south of Albany and divided into areas along the Hudson river and the mountaintop, including the ski areas of Hunter and Windham. Many county residents pay more than 1/3 of their income on rent, where homeowners pay a sma ...

11 of 10
Pinewood Drive Residence

Pinewood Drive Residence

235 Pinewood Dr Schenectady, NY - 12303

1 bdrm
12 of 10
Brandywine Park

Brandywine Park

800 Brandywine Par Guilderland, NY - 12084

1 bdrm Senior Housing
13 of 10
Orchard Senior Apartments

Orchard Senior Apartments

777 Embought Rd Catskill, NY - 12414

1 bdrm Senior Housing
14 of 10
Autumn Grove Catskill

Autumn Grove Catskill

775 Embought Rd Catskill, NY - 12414

1 bdrm
15 of 10
Guilderland Senior Housing Schenectady

Guilderland Senior Housing Schenectady

3485 Carman Rd Schenectady, NY - 12303

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
Income Limits in Preston Hollow, New York. Albany County, NY Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Albany County
Median Income $117,800
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $41,250 $24,745
2 $47,150 $28,280
3 $53,050 $31,815
4 $58,900 $35,350
5 $63,650 $38,178

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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