Jacksonboro, SC Low Income Housing

Low Income Housing in Jacksonboro, South Carolina

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Jacksonboro, SC. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Jacksonboro, SC. We did not find any low income / affordable housing in Jacksonboro, so we have listed the closest low income housing and housing assistance agencies nearest to Jacksonboro, SC. Our search checked a full 30 mile radius from the center of Jacksonboro. The distances from Jacksonboro are displayed next to each listing.

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Check our sister website
Rental Assistance Programs at RentAssistance.us

Low Income/Affordable Housing in Jacksonboro, SC statistics

How does income and housing costs in Jacksonboro compare with South Carolina income averages.

State of South Carolina Median Income $62,200
State of South Carolina Median Metropolitan Income $61,100
State of South Carolina Median Non-Metropolitan Income $45,900

Low Income Housing Apartments Nearest To Jacksonboro, SC

Low Income Housing Near Jacksonboro

Due to the low number of listings in Jacksonboro, we have added area listings below.

1 of 10
Walterboro Village Associates, Alp

Walterboro Village Associates, Alp

501 Greenpond Hwy Walterboro, SC - 29488

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
2 of 10
Lincoln Apartments

Lincoln Apartments

404 Witsell St Walterboro, SC - 29488

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
3 of 10
Druid Hills Ii Apartments

Druid Hills Ii Apartments

115 Beach Rd Walterboro, SC - 29488

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
4 of 10
Magnolia Village - SC

Magnolia Village - SC

450 Spruce Street Walterboro, SC - 29488

1 bdrm
5 of 10
Druid Hills Apartments

Druid Hills Apartments

300 Sniders Hwy Walterboro, SC - 29488

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Senior Housing
6 of 10
Palmetto Place, Inc

Palmetto Place, Inc

553 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, SC - 29483

1 bdrm
7 of 10
Haven Oaks Apartments.

Haven Oaks Apartments.

523 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, SC - 29483

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
8 of 10
Marsh View Place Apartments

Marsh View Place Apartments

516 McLernon Trace Johns Island, SC - 29455

The Brand New Marsh View Apartments, located on John's Island, South Carolina, offers one, two, and three bedroom floor plans. These beautifully landscaped apartments are quietly nestled about a half hour from the historic town of Charleston and feature central air conditioning, fully equipped kitc ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
9 of 10
Cambridge Apartments - SC

Cambridge Apartments - SC

559 Orangeburg Roa Summerville, SC - 29483

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
10 of 10
The Villas of Summerville Affordable Apartments

The Villas of Summerville Affordable Apartments

1310 Boone Hill Rd Summerville, SC - 29483

Project based Section 8 Affordable Housing with rent based on incomefor Individuals and Families. There is a waiting list. Amenities On-Site Management On-Site Maintenance On-Site Parking Playground Laundry Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00am 3:30pm Most apartments these days hav ...

11 of 10
Oakbrook Towers

Oakbrook Towers

300 Springview Ln Summerville, SC - 29485

1 bdrm Senior Housing
12 of 10
Canebreak Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent

Canebreak Apartments - Subsidized, Low-Rent

1300 Central Ave Summerville, SC - 29483

This is a Subsidized, Low-Rent Apartment. Community Features:  Playground  Sport Court with Basketball  Laundry Care Center  Picnic Area Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (843)873-0435 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
13 of 10
Happy Homes Affordable Apartments

Happy Homes Affordable Apartments

707 Parsons Road Summerville, SC - 29483

Section 8 approved units:  15 The fair market rate for 2 bedroom apartments in this area is: $874 Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so you can contact them directly at the number provided to see if you can apply and qualify to live here. If you find this li ...

14 of 10
Johns Island Rural Housing Affordable Apts.

Johns Island Rural Housing Affordable Apts.

3628 Maybank Highw Johns Island, SC - 29455

Section 8 approved units:88 The fair market rate for 2 bedroom apartments in this area is: $874 Most apartments these days have waiting lists, contact them directly at the number provided to see if you qualify to live there and check availability. If you find this listing is no longer low income, o ...

15 of 10
Parkway Village Apartments

Parkway Village Apartments

775 Parkway Blvd Summerville, SC - 29483

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
Income Limits in Jacksonboro, South Carolina. Colleton County, SC Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Colleton County
Median Income $62,200
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $21,850 $13,090
2 $24,950 $14,960
3 $28,050 $16,830
4 $31,150 $18,700
5 $33,650 $20,196

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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