Union, SC Low Income Housing

5 low income housing apartment complexes in Union, South Carolina.

Apartments Listed:

  1. Updated HUD listings.
  2. Income (based) restricted housing tax credit apartments.
  3. Section 8 apartments.
  4. Union, SC Housing Authority.
  5. Public Housing.
  6. Non profit senior and family low income apartments.

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Check our sister website
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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Union, SC statistics

How does income and housing costs in Union compare with South Carolina income averages.

Average affordable monthly apartment cost in Union $505.00
State of South Carolina Median Income $61,900
State of South Carolina Median Metropolitan Income $61,100
State of South Carolina Median Non-Metropolitan Income $45,900

Union, SC Low Income Housing: 5 Active Listings

1 of 5
Lakeside Manor

Lakeside Manor

1111 Lakeside Dr Union, SC - 29379

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
2 of 5
Union Housing, Inc

Union Housing, Inc

113 Chelsea Court Union, SC - 29379

1 bdrm
3 of 5
Buena Vista Apartments - SC

Buena Vista Apartments - SC

683 Rice Avenue Union, SC - 29379

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
4 of 5
West End Manor Apartments

West End Manor Apartments

629 Rice Avenue Union, SC - 29379

1 bdrm
5 of 5
Woodlawn Manor Apartments - SC

Woodlawn Manor Apartments - SC

222 South Boyce St Union, SC - 29379

1 bdrm
Low Income Housing Near Union

Due to the low number of listings in Union, we have added area listings below.

1 of 5
Town And Country Apartments

Town And Country Apartments

106 Ellis Ferry Av Gaffney, SC - 29341

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 487-7088 for more information. ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
2 of 5
Idia, Inc

Idia, Inc

300 N Sloan St Clinton, SC - 29325

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 682-2314 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
3 of 5
Alman Street Apartments

Alman Street Apartments

308 Alman St Jonesville, SC - 29353

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (803) 984-0456 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
4 of 5
Kensington Manor

Kensington Manor

170 Kensington Dr Spartanburg, SC - 29306

Kensington Manor Apartments is a 124 unit complex located near I-26/I-85 in Spartanburg, SC. The complex is convenient to Westgate mall, a variety of restaurants and the downtown airport. Kensington Manor offers 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments. All of their units are subsidized under the section 8 ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
5 of 5
Fairgrounds Senior Village Apartments

Fairgrounds Senior Village Apartments

197 Fairgrounds Rd Laurens, SC - 29360

Office Hours: Monday & Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Community Amenities: Walking Paths Furnished Community Room Fitness Center Billiards Room On-site Laundry Facilities Most apartments these days have waiting lists. We provide this listing so you can contact them directly at the number provided to se ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
6 of 5
Harry C. White Manor Apartments

Harry C. White Manor Apartments

250 South Hudson L Spartanburg, SC - 29306

Harry C. White Manor Apartments is 56 unit elderly retirement complex located in Spartanburg, SC. Income based apartments. Harry CWhite Manor Apartments is operated under multiple programs. Applicants must qualify for both the HUD Section 8 or 236 programs and the Low-Income Housing Credit program. ...

7 of 5
Wilkinson Place

Wilkinson Place

275 Laurelwood Dri Boiling Springs, SC - 29316

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 578-9871 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
8 of 5
Landau Apartments

Landau Apartments

1321 South Broad S Clinton, SC - 29325

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 833-3215 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
9 of 5
Willow Oaks

Willow Oaks

400 Willow Oaks Ci Clover, SC - 29710

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (803) 684-7359 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
10 of 5
Clinton Manor Apartments

Clinton Manor Apartments

100 Clinton Manor Clinton, SC - 29325

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (212) 319-1200 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
11 of 5
Shd, Inc

Shd, Inc

515 E. Main Street Laurens, SC - 29360

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 682-2314 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
12 of 5
Connecticut Village

Connecticut Village

409-a E Junior Hig Gaffney, SC - 29340

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 818-808-0600 x450 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm
13 of 5
Brookhaven Housing Corporation

Brookhaven Housing Corporation

Camellia Circle A Gaffney, SC - 29341

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 864-241-0462 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
14 of 5
Willow Oaks Associates Of Cowpens

Willow Oaks Associates Of Cowpens

133 Foster St Cowpens, SC - 29330

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 803-736-4300 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
15 of 5
Glendale Manor Apartments

Glendale Manor Apartments

100 Glendale Manor Clinton, SC - 29325

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call (864) 833-5742 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
Income Limits in Union, South Carolina. Union County, SC Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Union County
Median Income $61,900
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $21,850 $13,090
2 $24,950 $14,960
3 $28,050 $16,830
4 $31,150 $18,700
5 $33,650 $20,196

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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