Soddy Daisy, TN Low Income Housing

There is one low income housing apartment complex in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee.

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Soddy Daisy, TN. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Soddy Daisy, TN.
Apartments Listed:

  1. Updated HUD listings.
  2. Income (based) restricted housing tax credit apartments.
  3. Section 8 apartments.
  4. Soddy Daisy, TN Housing Authority.
  5. Public Housing.
  6. Non profit senior and family low income apartments.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Soddy Daisy, TN statistics

How does income and housing costs in Soddy Daisy compare with Tennessee income averages.

Average affordable monthly apartment cost in Soddy Daisy $1,247.00
State of Tennessee Median Income $92,100
State of Tennessee Median Metropolitan Income $61,200
State of Tennessee Median Non-Metropolitan Income $47,900

Soddy Daisy, TN Low Income Housing: 1 Active Listings

1 of 1
Vista Ridge Low Income Family Apartments

Vista Ridge Low Income Family Apartments

10405 Card Road Soddy Daisy, TN - 37379

Income Restricted / Low-Income / Affordable Housing One- two- and three-bedroom Low Income Units: 80 Amenities: Central heat and air Washer/dryer hookups Range Refrigerator with ice maker Mini-blinds for privacy Private patio or balcony Low Income Housing community. Income restricted. Most apartme ...

Low Income Housing Near Soddy Daisy

Due to the low number of listings in Soddy Daisy, we have added area listings below.

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Bayberry Apartments Affordable Housing Community

Bayberry Apartments Affordable Housing Community

2300 Wilson Street Chattanooga, TN - 37406

Bayberry Apartments is an affordable housing community. The property is located in the Avondale area. Bayberry Apartments offers 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments ranging in size from 608 to 958 sq.ft. Amenities include:     Business Center     Laundry Facilities &nb ...

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Alton Place for Low Income Families

Alton Place for Low Income Families

335 Croll Court Chattanooga, TN - 37410

Alton Placeis a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located in Chattanooga, TN. There are 88 low income two and three bedroom apartments located here. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent a ...

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
3 of 5
Orange Grove Development No. 5

Orange Grove Development No. 5

1119 Carter Dr Chattanooga, TN - 37415

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-629-1451, Ext. 2234 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
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Orange Grove No. 6

Orange Grove No. 6

4296 Highwood Dr Chattanooga, TN - 37415

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-629-1451, Ext. 2234 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
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Ocoee Village Affordable Apartment Community

Ocoee Village Affordable Apartment Community

1350 2nd St NE Cleveland, TN - 37311

This is a low income apartment, affordable apartment community. Offers 1 to 3 bedroom apartments ranging in size from 750 to 956 sq.ft. Visit their website to apply and join their wait-list. Amenities include:     Basketball Court     Laundry Facilities &nbs ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
6 of 5
Whiteside Faith Manor

Whiteside Faith Manor

735 E 10th St And Chattanooga, TN - 37403

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-266-8325 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
7 of 5
Orange Grove Development No. Two

Orange Grove Development No. Two

7435 Mintom Dr Chattanooga, TN - 37421

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-629-1451, Ext. 2234 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
8 of 5
Cleveland Summit Apartments for Seniors

Cleveland Summit Apartments for Seniors

44 Inman Street Ea Cleveland, TN - 37311

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-479-3005 for more information. Am ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
9 of 5
North Cleveland Towers

North Cleveland Towers

1200 Magnolia Ave Cleveland, TN - 37311

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call (423) 478-7573 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
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Horizon Square Apartments

Horizon Square Apartments

2324 Georgetown Rd Cleveland, TN - 37311

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-476-9393 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Senior Housing
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Pine Forest North Apartments

Pine Forest North Apartments

3005 Henderson Ave Cleveland, TN - 37312

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-479-2061 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Senior Housing
12 of 5
Orange Grove Development No. Three, Inc

Orange Grove Development No. Three, Inc

4540 Delashmitt Rd Hixson, TN - 37343

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-629-1451, Ext. 2234 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
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Dunlap Gardens

Dunlap Gardens

417 Buddy Skyles R Dunlap, TN - 37327

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-949-4274 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm Senior Housing
14 of 5
Orange Grove I

Orange Grove I

2721 Folts Dr Chattanooga, TN - 37415

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 423-629-1451, Ext. 2234 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
15 of 5
Magnolia Gardens Apartments - TN

Magnolia Gardens Apartments - TN

779 Martin Luther Chattanooga, TN - 37403

Amenities:     *Convenient to Downtown and UT Chattanooga Campus     *Income Restrictions Apply (Ask for Details)     *Section 8 Vouchers Accepted     *Two Bedroom/One Bath Garden Units (946 SF)     *Two Bedroom/Two Bath Tow ...

Income Limits in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee. Hamilton County, TN Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Hamilton County
Median Income $92,100
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $30,650 $18,375
2 $35,000 $21,000
3 $39,400 $23,625
4 $43,750 $26,250
5 $47,250 $28,350

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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