Brownfield, TX Low Income Housing

2 low income housing apartment complexes in Brownfield, Texas.

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Brownfield, TX. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Brownfield, TX.
Apartments Listed:

  1. Updated HUD listings.
  2. Income (based) restricted housing tax credit apartments.
  3. Section 8 apartments.
  4. Brownfield, TX Housing Authority.
  5. Public Housing.
  6. Non profit senior and family low income apartments.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Brownfield, TX statistics

How does income and housing costs in Brownfield compare with Texas income averages.

Average affordable monthly apartment cost in Brownfield $450.00
State of Texas Median Income $57,500
State of Texas Median Metropolitan Income $66,800
State of Texas Median Non-Metropolitan Income $54,200

Brownfield, TX Low Income Housing: 2 Active Listings

1 of 2
Brownfield Seniors Community Brownfield

Brownfield Seniors Community Brownfield

605 E Felt St Brownfield, TX - 79316

1 bdrm Senior Housing
2 of 2
South Plains Regional Housing Authority

South Plains Regional Housing Authority

104 E Hill St Brownfield, TX - 79316

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
Low Income Housing Near Brownfield

Due to the low number of listings in Brownfield, we have added area listings below.

1 of 5
Reserves at Saddleback Ranch Affordable Apartments

Reserves at Saddleback Ranch Affordable Apartments

1502 Flint Avenue Wolfforth, TX - 79382

Type: Tax Credit, Spacious 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes with 9' Ceilings. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and have the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The maximum rent charged is based on the AMI, Area Median Inc ...

2 of 5
Reserves at Preston Trails Affordable Apartments

Reserves at Preston Trails Affordable Apartments

7102 Alcove Avenue Wolfforth, TX - 79382

Type: Tax Credit, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes. These rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and have the applicable program rent and income restrictions. This apartment may still not be affordable to low-income persons due to this AMI. Check the current rental rates to see if this is affordable to ...

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Silver Village Senior Housing

Silver Village Senior Housing

5401 54th St Lubbock, TX - 79414

This is a low income apartment. Utilities Included. Senior Housing 62+ or households with a disability Low Income Rents based on 30% of adjusted income. Amenities: 24/7 Availability Air Conditioner Appliances Carpet Cats Allowed and Dogs Allowed Community Room Laundry Off Street Parking Lot Plan ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
4 of 5
Homestead Apartments for Seniors

Homestead Apartments for Seniors

5401 56th St Lubbock, TX - 79414

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call (806) 792-6952 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
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Residence at Wolfforth Affordable Apartments

Residence at Wolfforth Affordable Apartments

111 Loop 193 Wolfforth, TX - 79382

Type: Tax Credit, 1 & 2 Bedroom Homes, Affordable living for active seniors 55 and older. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and have the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The maximum rent charged is based on the AMI ...

6 of 5
Seagraves Gardens Seagraves

Seagraves Gardens Seagraves

1100 12th Seagraves, TX - 79359

Seagraves Gardens Seagraves is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located Seagraves, TX. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The LIHTC gives incentives to build ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
7 of 5
Seagraves Garden Seagraves

Seagraves Garden Seagraves

1101 12th St Seagraves, TX - 79359

Seagraves Garden Seagraves is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located Seagraves, TX. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The LIHTC gives incentives to builde ...

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
8 of 5
South Plains Apartments

South Plains Apartments

5520 58th St Lubbock, TX - 79414

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 806-795-8018 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
9 of 5
Stonebridge At Ironton Lubbock

Stonebridge At Ironton Lubbock

7010 Ironton Ave Lubbock, TX - 79424

Stonebridge At Ironton Lubbock is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located Lubbock, TX. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The LIHTC gives incentives to buil ...

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Parkview Place - TX

Parkview Place - TX

6402 Hartford Aven Lubbock, TX - 79413

This is a low income apartment for families. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call (806) 799-8868 for more information.This comm ...

1 bdrm
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Vineyards at Monterey

Vineyards at Monterey

9410 Milwaukee Ave Lubbock, TX - 79424

Vineyards At Monterey is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located Lubbock. TX. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The LIHTC gives incentives to builders an ...

Income Limits in Brownfield, Texas. Terry County, TX Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Terry County
Median Income $57,500
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $26,250 $15,750
2 $30,000 $18,000
3 $33,750 $20,250
4 $37,500 $22,500
5 $40,500 $24,300

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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