Prince Edward County Low Income Housing

Prince Edward County, VA Low Income Housing

Find low income apartments in Prince Edward county, Virginia along with non profit organizations that help with low income housing needs.

We have listed the low income apartments in Prince Edward county, VA. Properties include HUD low income housing, public housing offered by housing authorities along with non profit organizations that help with low income housing needs.

Low Income/Affordable Housing in , VA statistics

How does income and housing costs in compare with Virginia income averages.

Housing Authorities In Prince Edward County, VA Showing latest 6
1 of 6
Goodson Manor

Goodson Manor

406 Doswell Street Farmville, VA - 23901

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. Call 434-391-3926 for more information. ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
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Evergreen Manor

Evergreen Manor

420 Doswell St Farmville, VA - 23901

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 434-392-5572 for more information. ...

1 bdrm
3 of 6
Timberlake Village

Timberlake Village

412 Cedar Ave Farmville, VA - 23901

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 434 392-1660 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
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Parkview Gardens

Parkview Gardens

204 Parkview Dr Farmville, VA - 23901

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 434-392-3189 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
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Timberlake Village Ii

Timberlake Village Ii

428 Doswell St Farmville, VA - 23901

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Disabled housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 434-392-1660 for more information. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
6 of 6
The Meadows Apartments - VA

The Meadows Apartments - VA

508 Hylawn Avenue Farmville, VA - 23901

The Meadows Apartmentsis a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment locatedFarmville, VA. If you are looking for an affordable housing option, these rental apartments are supported by the LIHTC and having the applicable program rent and income restrictions. The LIHTC gives incentives to builders a ...

Income Limits in Prince Edward, Virginia.

Prince Edward County, VA Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area Prince Edward County
Median Income $56,200
Income Limit Category Very Low (50%) Income Limits Extremely Low Income Limits
Person(s) In Family 1 $19,700 $11,795
2 $22,500 $13,480
3 $25,300 $15,165
4 $28,100 $16,850
5 $30,350 $18,198

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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