160-1 N First West St And
Rexburg, ID - 83440
This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent Family housing with subsidized government low income rates. Call 208-522-5370 ex 1056 for more information.
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.
For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.
Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location
2 bedroom apartments at location
Important information
Waiting Lists
Most low income apartments have waiting lists. Some of these lists can take years until you can be called for openings. The key is to try to get on as many waiting lists as possible.
Call The Apartments Directly
We provide phone numbers and websites. Call the apartments directly if they have openings or open waiting lists.
Apartment Rates
We provide current apartment rates on many listing pages. Most HUD listings do not have published rates. They are based on 30% of the renters adjustable gross income. You will need to contact the apartments to determine if you qualify for income based rent.
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First rate Twin Pines Manor:
Median apartment rental rate in this zip code | $720 |
Population in zip code | 36,635 |
Median age of those living in this zip code | 23.5 |
Average household income of those living in this zip code | $38,154 |
Average home value in this zip code | $218,977 |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
Sep 10, 2023 | $1,400.00 | |
May 26, 2021 | $200.00 | |
Nov 19, 2020 | $1,000.00 | |
Nov 16, 2015 | $300.00 |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
Jan 23, 2020 | $350.00 | |
Jun 26, 2017 | $450.00 |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
Jun 15, 2021 | $600.00 |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
Jun 9, 2020 | $1,100.00 | Cost added by current tenant |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
Apr 28, 2016 | $103.00 | Cost added by an applicant |
Date Added | Cost | Source |
May 23, 2017 | $150.00 |
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First rate Twin Pines Manor:
121 N Center St, Rexburg, ID
350 West 5th South, Rexburg, ID
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Everyone I have met here has been very kind, and Rexburg has one of the safest community's in the country. So yea I feel very safe here. The appt quality isn't the greatest but it is very good for how good its price is.
You can get a pet if you need one for health purposes, but only then can you have a pet.
Yes there is a waiting list, It took me about 6 months to get in
I love my appt, however everyone I know that lives here has one complaint: the quality isnt very good. But for the price im very happy, and the manager tries her best to help.
Yes except electricity, everything in the house is electric no gas. And you dont pay for water