Blaine, MN Low Income Housing

4 low income housing apartment complexes in Blaine, Minnesota.

Due to the small amount of listings, we searched a 30 mile radius from Blaine, MN. If we located any, we list them below along with the distance from Blaine, MN.
Apartments Listed:

  1. Updated HUD listings.
  2. Income (based) restricted housing tax credit apartments.
  3. Section 8 apartments.
  4. Blaine, MN Housing Authority.
  5. Public Housing.
  6. Non profit senior and family low income apartments.

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Low Income/Affordable Housing in Blaine, MN statistics

How does income and housing costs in Blaine compare with Minnesota income averages.

Average affordable monthly apartment cost in Blaine $878.00
State of Minnesota Median Income $80,400
State of Minnesota Median Metropolitan Income $86,000
State of Minnesota Median Non-Metropolitan Income $65,300

Blaine, MN Low Income Housing: 4 Active Listings

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Anoka County Community Action Program, Inc

Anoka County Community Action Program, Inc

1201 89th Ave Ne S Blaine, MN - 55434

ACCAP Rental Housing offers individuals and families affordable housing options in Anoka County. Affordable rents, based on bedrooms per unit, not tenant income. Accept Section 8 Housing Vouchers. Do not offer subsidized housing, offer affordable housing. ...

Section 8
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$600.00 Income Based
Northgate Woods Senior Apartments

Northgate Woods Senior Apartments

1530 123rd Ln Ne Blaine, MN - 55449

Northgate Woods in Blaine offers one-bedroom apartments for seniors and disabled persons and spacious townhomes for families. This serene community nestled in nature offers a natural wooded setting and central location. The community recently underwent an extensive renovation where the kitchens a ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm / 3 bdrm / 4 bdrm Senior Housing
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Anoka County Cities

Anoka County Cities

8706 Van Buren St Blaine, MN - 55434

1 bdrm
4 of 4
North Gables Affordable Senior Apartments

North Gables Affordable Senior Apartments

654 90th Ln Ne Blaine, MN - 55434

1 bdrm Senior Housing
Low Income Housing Near Blaine

Due to the low number of listings in Blaine, we have added area listings below.

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Gateway Trail Apartments

Gateway Trail Apartments

2024 Clarence Stre Maplewood, MN - 55109

Gateway Apartments are conveniently located in Maplewood, MN. We present affordable one and two bedroom apartment homes outfitted with a dishwasher and disposal, tons of closet space, and in-home air conditioning. As a resident, you will enjoy on-site laundry facilities, off-street parking, and the ...

2 of 5
Elm Creek Apartments Affordable Living - MN

Elm Creek Apartments Affordable Living - MN

11719 Champlin Dri Champlin, MN - 55316

Elm Creek Apartments is a Low-Income Housing complex located in Champlin, MN that offer spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartment homes at affordable prices. Heat, Water, Sewer & Trash Removal Included. Pets Welcome. Community and Apartments Amenities:     Underground Heated Parking Garage     ...

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Cliff Hill Townhouses Low Income

Cliff Hill Townhouses Low Income

2064 E 117th St Burnsville, MN - 55337

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Community and Apartments Amenities:     Bike Racks     Covered Parking     Garage     High Speed ...

2 bdrm / 3 bdrm
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Glen Lake Landing Low Income Apartment Building

Glen Lake Landing Low Income Apartment Building

5416 Beacon Hill R Minnetonka, MN - 55345

This is a low income apartment. The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner. They charge lower rent for low income persons. Contact this apartment for low rent, Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates. ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm Senior Housing
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Parkview Villa North Apartments

Parkview Villa North Apartments

965 40th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN - 55421

Housing program public housingbedrooms1 bedroom units wait list open. Applications are only being accepted for those who meet the preferences of being a Columbia Heights resident or employed in Columbia Heights who are 62 years of age or older, or a person with handicaps/disabilities. Parkview Vi ...

Senior Housing
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Commerce Building Apartments - St Paul

Commerce Building Apartments - St Paul

8 East 4th Street Saint Paul, MN - 55101

Wait list currently open. Housing Program(s)Section 42Bedrooms1, 2 Bedroom units. The Commerce Building is proudly part of the tax-credit program. As a participant, they are able to provide you with unique apartments at prices that still fit within your budget. Tax Credit apartments are governed ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
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Mount Carmel Manor Senior Apartments

Mount Carmel Manor Senior Apartments

1560 Bellows St Saint Paul, MN - 55118

Housing ProgramsSection 8Section 2021 Bedroom units Located in a peaceful residential neighborhood, Mount Carmel Manor offers a hassle free life style for seniors. Mount Carmel provides affordable rents for income qualified adults 62 years of age and better. Advantage Services provides support se ...

1 bdrm Senior Housing
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Seward Tower West Apartments

Seward Tower West Apartments

2515 South 9th St. Minneapolis, MN - 55406

Section 8 Approved Apartments. Bedrooms:Studio, 1, 2 Bedroom unit. Amenities: Bright apartments with great views Utilities included Near St. Catherine's Minneapolis campus and Augsburg College Within minutes of downtown Minneapolis On-site laundry facilities Community room Close to community parks ...

1 bdrm / 2 bdrm
9 of 5
Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority

Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority

3400 Plymouth Blvd Plymouth, MN - 55447

Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of the areas Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8. This program is income based and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be waiting lists for these vouchers ...

10 of 5
Robert Will Community Housing

Robert Will Community Housing

6345 Pleasant Ave Richfield, MN - 55423

This is a low income apartment. Utilities: Heat, trash, water, sewer included in rent. Amenities:     Controlled access entry     On-site laundry facility     Community room     Off-street parking     Smoke-free building    Pet Policy: Pets are not allowed Numerous apartme ...

1 bdrm
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Simpson Housing Services, Inc.

Simpson Housing Services, Inc.

2100 Pillsbury Ave Minneapolis, MN - 55404

Mission is to house, support and advocate for people experiencing homelessness. ...

12 of 5
Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation Of The Twin Cities

Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation Of The Twin Cities

15 S 5th St Minneapolis, MN - 55402

The mission of the greater metropolitan housing corporation of the twin cities (GMHC)is to preserve, improve and increase affordable housing for low and moderate income individuals and families, as well as assist communities with housing revitalization. ...

13 of 5
Ashwood Ponds

Ashwood Ponds

6725 Ashwood Rd Woodburry, MN - 55125

Ashwood Ponds is an affordable housing community located in prestigious Woodbury, with views of Battle Creek Lake. They have studio - 2bd apartments available with options to add attached garage parking. They are a professionally managed community with maintenance and management available for the ...

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The Historic Minnesota Building

The Historic Minnesota Building

46 E 4th St Saint Paul, MN - 55101

The Historic Minnesota Building participates in an affordable housing program. Tax credit/Section 42 property, with income guidelines that apply. Offer studio and one bedroom apartments. Apartments feature: Washer & dryer, black counters, and fitness center on site. Community amenities: ...

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Minnesota Housing Partnership

Minnesota Housing Partnership

2446 University Av Saint Paul, MN - 55114

The mission of the Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP) is to promote homes for all minnesotans and to assist Minnesota communities in the creation and preservation of housing affordable to low and moderate income people. MHP works to accomplish its mission by raising awareness of the economic, human ...

Income Limits in Blaine, Minnesota. County, MN Income Limits Summary*
Income Limit Area County
Median Income $80,400

* Important: Your income, and income limit category, is needed to apply to most of the apartments on our list.

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