
Jessika Glaholt

Help Jessika Glaholt

Amount Requested: $ 500

Location: Kent

State: WA

Zip: 98030

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About Jessika

Hello, I’m Jessika. Im a single mom of a 9 year old girl. We have been struggling for the last 7 years trying to find affordable housing. We don’t stay in one place for long, we usually have to end up moving and that means my daughter has to switch schools as well. Our biggest wish is to have a safe and stable place to call home. Being a single mom it’s hard to work, find childcare and support us both on my income alone. We’ve been in shelters and sleeping on couches. If you’d be so kind to donate we’d very much appreciate it. Anything helps. Thank you!

Important information
Waiting Lists

Most low income apartments have waiting lists. Some of these lists can take years until you can be called for openings. The key is to try to get on as many waiting lists as possible.

Call The Apartments Directly

We provide phone numbers and websites. Call the apartments directly if they have openings or open waiting lists.

Apartment Rates

We provide current apartment rates on many listing pages. Most HUD listings do not have published rates. They are based on 30% of the renters adjustable gross income. You will need to contact the apartments to determine if you qualify for income based rent.

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