About Brandy
I am 45 years old i recently got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I have 3 daughters, and two grand babies. I lost my home and stay with people temporary I don’t know what to do or where to go. I need to have a home for my family, to be able to not stress and continue going to my chemo. Sometimes it feels so easy just to give up, so hard sometimes to try but when the doctors say you may have a year to live makes me stronger because I want to be able to be with my kids and grand babies, to not worry about where to lay my head at night. I can’t work because of my illness and I have done everything I could to make my situation better, applying for disability, applied for housing. I don’t have anybody my parents both died in March a few years back. I know there are good people out there like my parents that would help people I trust in God. I need help with money to get me a place to live rent and deposit, and all the rest will come to place, time is one thing I’m running out of. I didn’t have nowhere else to go.