About Megan
I haven’t worked since May 1st, when I worked a half day due to dislocating my hip. I’ve been told to stop working at my current job (FieldWorks), since it involves standing and walking for 7 hours. Even so, I have tried to go back a few times during this month, but unfortunately my health always seems to step in. For example, I had my first seizure in at least a year yesterday morning (gotta love migraines) and had to stay home yesterday and today.
Our rent is due in less than a week. I have nothing saved. I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy all month, and finally heard back from one today, but they are out of their office until next week and can’t set up an interview until then. I also applied to SS Disability but won’t hear back from them for at least a week or more. My partner, Alexander has been working like crazy to save up money for his half of rent, as well as our other bills, groceries, and gas money. It’s just impossible for him to cover everything!
I reached out to our apartment complex’s office, 211, Michigan’s DHHS, etc. Everyone I could think of. There’s not anything they can do that I’m not already doing.
This is truly just a last-ditch effort to try and get anything to put towards rent. I appreciate any help given, and I understand that many of you won’t be able to give.