About Francine
Hi my name is Francine im 28 mother of two and im in need of finding a home for me and my family i work part time not enough to get us bye or not enough for a security deposite to put a roof over our heads a little longer we are on the brink of becoming homeless because the basment we live in now is to small for me and my kids as they grow and the owners want it back and im scared for my life and my kids i have no family to help me im all on my own i dont drive because i cant afford a car and i can bearly make it to be able to spoil my kids with new clothes thanks to my daughters school there such a big help im so thankful and to Saint Jhons for food plz im asking for your help in any way to finding low income based rental or a back house being up for rent or home or apartment or donations plz i pray to god for anyone who can help us will be blessed and always have good in there life thank you for taking the time to read this means so much god belss.